Thursday, March 26, 2009

Removing watermarks? How hard is it? Can you show me?

Your mission: downland this image:

Remove the watermark and repost it somewhere I can see it like flickr.

I havent digimarked or embeded a watermark in it. Its 300kb or so if you take the large copy to play with. I know its not a lot to work with but thats about as big as I like to put on the web.

I have seen people answer (people i respect), that its easy to remove watermarks - esp if not embeded. So teach me, show me please.

Can you do it?
Removing watermarks? How hard is it? Can you show me?
Ah Antonius!

10 points for watermarking all over the image instead of just at the bottom, which is safer but makes the image not as good to look at. Quite a subtle watermark though being black.

It%26#039;d be a very easy crop job if you%26#039;d watermarked at the bottom, and a faster repair if you%26#039;d only watermarked once... you didn%26#039;t = 20 points.

Ant, I%26#039;ll spend 3-5 minutes on it (max) and send you the result by e-mail, so you can Flickr it afterwards if you like... cool? I won%26#039;t spend the time to make it perfect though... you%26#039;re not paying! : )


OK it took no more than 3 minutes Ant - I used the Healing brush, mostly because I didn%26#039;t want to spend much time on it - isn%26#039;t that slack of me? It%26#039;s on its way by e-mail.

BTW you need to embed your copyright metadata too - even more important... look after your children or they may become orphans and get taken away by big bad corporations who%26#039;ll do nasty things to them - the bast*rds! : )

Best wishes in fraternal Violation!
Removing watermarks? How hard is it? Can you show me?
I have removed the middle one. It took less than 10 minutes. I thought I downloaded the bigger version, but evidently I got the small version. I am not too good at Photoshop, so I can still tell where it was. I didn%26#039;t have time to do a lot with it, so I only removed the middle one. (We have a ball game tonight!) I will remove it from Flickr when I see you have seen it.
Reply:I%26#039;m working on it now. I usually ignore questions like this only because the asker is trying to steal the photo, but since this is your%26#039;s and you are giving permission, I%26#039;ll give it a try. I%26#039;ll post it here once it is done.


Here it is:
Reply:ok, so i tried this.. im not really good @ editing, but hunnie, seriously, this was an easy one ;)

i used blending brush and clone brush, not great, but a passable job i think ;)

*note- i wouldnt do this except to answer your question. stealing photos is stealing...*

Your secondary watermark did cause a little problem but I%26#039;m working on that. I think if i convert the entire image to pink and apply a Hasselhoff filter, it will look completely original.

Let me know if you need additional help with school portraits and wedding pictures.
Reply:Well I thought I had it worked out, but then disaster struck !!!


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